Highlights from ThinkAg Harvesting Tomorrow Summit 2023
The first edition of the ThinkAg Harvesting Tomorrow Summit happened in October 2023 in Goa. Diverse stakeholders shared their insights and shed light on the advancements in the AgriFoodTech space. The attendees of the summit explored new partnerships and brainstormed innovative approaches to shape the future of agri-food in India



Speakers & Presenters

Corporate leaders
Investors & Financial

exchanged on
event app
Small Centric Innovations
Enhancing value chains, income stability and sustainable practice

Crop-intelligence platform
Omni-channel agri-inputs platform
Weather and agri-risk monitoring platform
Full-stack agri-food processing platform

Siddharth Tata, Product Leader - Amazon Fresh Supply Chain & Amazon Kisanfrom
Agriculture in general has long cycle times, so any innovation, especially in crop agriculture, you try it out and the end of the season assess what worked or didn’t and then come back next season saying let’s do something better. There is also a large trust deficit between folks providing the technology and end users – farmers. Building that trust is a hard problem to solve and does take time.Agriculture in general has long cycle times, so any innovation, especially in crop agriculture, you try it out and the end of the season assess what worked or didn’t and then come back next season saying let’s do something better. There is also a large trust deficit between folks providing the technology and end users – farmers. Building that trust is a hard problem to solve and does take time.

Shashank Kumar, Dehaat
We realized that standalone information won’t help the farmer, so every single piece of information has a follow-on action – be it related to input, advisory, financial access etc. If they are selling produce, they don’t just want to sell A or B grade, they want a solution for all quality grades. Otherwise, we will not be able to replace the conventional channels.
Data-Driven Agfinancing
Enabling precise, productive and climate-smart agriculture

Climate-specialized parametric InsurTech platform
Satellite-data based agri & climate decision intelligence platform
Agriculture and climate risk management platform

Himanshu Bansal - Mastercard
What we need is ‘harder’ partnerships with banks where AgFinTechs focus more on the supply chain and getting the last mile connected, and banks can take on the role of product innovation, which needs a significant boost, and the government along with the private sector can play the role of building the data stack.

Namita Vikas- auctusESG
Obtaining the necessary data and information to identify climate vulnerabilities – estimating the change, monitoring the impacts is very tough. The lack of this affects financial institutions’ ability to channelize capital into these sectors. The struggle is [also] to navigate climate risks. There are, today, tools available which give you weather patterns, heat maps and scenarios but that is not telling me [as a financier] what my pricing needs to be. It is not telling me what risk mitigation I need to put in place, it’s not telling me what tenor [is needed].
Advance in Agbiotech
Towards a resilient and regenerative agri-food system

Bio-informatics platform for seed trait optimization
Full-stack agri-food processing platform
Omni-channel agri-inputs platform
Weather and agri-risk monitoring platform

Dr. Renuka Diwan , BioPrime Agrisolutions
“The support that the government has put in has been absolutely instrumental and crucial. The Department of BioTechnology has laid out a separate program that gives proof-of-concept funding for transformative technologies and their commercialization. Incubators [too] have gave us access to access to a lot of infrastructure on a pay-per-use basis [that helps by] de-risking [product] development.

Ravishankar Cherukuri, Bayer CropScience
I think the bottleneck has shifted from discovery and R&D to commercialization. Nontechnological barriers which may include commercialization, value-sharing protocols, regulatory protocols – have been barriers to speedy deployment of technology. We need to think out of the box, to [find] ways we can work with value chain partners to create value capture for the R&D scientist or come together as an industry to make deployment much easier.